Saturday 19 April 2014


  Corpus Christi Catholic Church

Corpus Christi Church,
524 Griffiths Drive, Ashmore Park, Wolverhampton, WV11 2LH, UK

Parish Priest: Fr. Edgar G. Dizon

           Sunday 20th April 2014

Easter Day

Tomb, thou shalt not hold Him longer;
Death is strong, but Life is stronger;
Stronger than the dark, the light;
Stronger than the wrong, the right...
~Phillips Brooks, "An Easter Carol"



Easter Sunday – Sunday Lectionary Cycle A, Weekday Mass Cycle 2,  Psalter Week  1
     Day              Date             Time                         Liturgical Day                                              

Saturday         19th                  8:00 pm                   Easter Vigil                                                   

Sunday           20th                11:00 am                   Easter Morning Mass                                     

Monday          21st                10:00 am                   Easter Monday                                              

Tuesday          22nd                  9:00 am                  Easter Tuesday                                                

Wednesday     23rd                  9.00 am                  Easter Wednesday                                          

Thursday        24th                   9.00 am                  Easter Thursday                                              

Friday             25th                   9:00 am                 Easter Friday                                                   

Saturday        26th                  8:00 pm                   Vigil Mass                                                       

Sunday           27th                11:00 am                   First Sunday of Easter                                     

SACRAMENT OF PENANCE   Saturday at 5:30 pm before the Vigil Mass.

Of your charity:
Please pray for the sick in the Parish and those who care for them
And those who have died and loved ones left behind.
"It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from their sins." 
(2 Machabees 12:46)


HEAR YE, HEAR YE!   “We have become mute in the Catholic Church. We have become silent worshippers sitting in our pews as lifeless as the wood of those pews…” 
 ~ Bishop Joseph Schrembs of Cleveland (1866-1945)

Lenten Project:   Very many thanks to all of you who so generously supported the Union of Catholic Mothers’ collection for the Brothers of the Good Shepherd. One hundred and ninety one items of tinned and packaged goods were collected.

The brothers do a wonderful job with the most needy people in our area. So, thank you.

Great Birmingham Run:   Have you made a New Year’s Resolution to get more active this year? Is 2014 the year to tackle a half marathon? Help some of world’s poorest people whilst reaching your goals by joining CAFOD’s team of runners in the Great Birmingham Run on 19 October 2014. Please call 01922 722944 or email if you might be interested. Thank you.

Book of Remembrance:   This will be taken to the calligrapher’s in the next week or so, if you have requested an entry please check with Keith that your details are correct. Or if you wish to have a name added this is the final chance to do so.

Church Doors:   As I think most people are aware, the front doors of our church are in a very poor state of repair. A reliable carpenter has been consulted and his verdict is that it is not practical to repair them, so, sadly we shall need to spend several thousand pounds to replace them. 

There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that we, as a parish and indeed we as parishioners, do not have endless funds, and so it is with great regret that an appeal has to be launched to pay for these necessary replacement doors.

Trevor Cooke, as Chair of the Finance Committee, has agreed to outline exactly what is needed and will be speaking to us about this at both Masses 3rd / 4th may.

“There are Christians whose lives seem like Lent without Easter… I understand the grief of people who have to  endure great suffering, yet slowly but surely we all have to let the joy of faith slowly revive as a quiet yet firm trust, even amid the greatest distress…”      ~ Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium 6.

Easter Offering Envelopes are available in the porch. Easter offerings are your personal gift to the priest of the parish and forms of his personal income. They can be handed in during the normal collection at any of the Masses or the Sundays following Easter.

Parish Records:   Some weeks ago parishioners were invited to fill in the new Parish Record forms. Many thanks to all those who did so. But if you did not do it at that time would you please do so now. There is a real need for these records to be up to date so that Father is able to stay in touch with people of the parish and many of these are now very much out of date..

CAFOD Fast Day:   Due to your generosity we were able to send £237.70 to CAFOD for their vital work. Much of this was Gift Aided. Thank you.



Saturday 26th Readers:      A R, A P
Euch. Ministers:      E N, W R

Sunday 27th Readers:       L B,  F L
Euch. Ministers:      J P, S L.  

Corpus Christi Church,
524 Griffiths Drive, Ashmore Park, Wolverhampton, WV11 2LH, UK

Parish Priest: Fr. Edgar G. Dizon


Corpus Christi Church,
524 Griffiths Drive, Ashmore Park, Wolverhampton, WV11 2LH, UK

Parish Priest: Fr. Edgar G. Dizon

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